National Members

The IGF is composed of 152 Member Federations, from 149 countries, representing more than 66.5 million people who play golf. All national golf federations affiliated to the IGF are recognised by the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) of their countries. To get more detailed information for each IGF National Member click on the country flag or the member's name. Should you wish to contact your National Olympic Committee, a full list can be found on the official website of the Olympic Movement.

Afghanistan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2009

IGF Year Affiliation: 2010

Albanian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2011

IGF Year Affiliation: 2022

Algeria Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1948

IGF Year Affiliation: 1965

Andorra Golf Federation

Argentina Golf Association

Year Founded: 1926

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Austrian Golf Association

Year Founded: 1931

Azerbaijan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1912

IGF Year Affiliation: 2023

Bahamas Golf Federation

Bahrain Golf Association

Year Founded: 1995

IGF Year Affiliation: 1996

Bangladesh Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1998

IGF Year Affiliation: 2007

Barbados Golf Association

Year Founded: 1968

Belarusian Golf Association

Year Founded: 2003

IGF Year Affiliation: 2014

Benin Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2011

IGF Year Affiliation: 2016

Bermuda Golf Association

Year Founded: 1950

Bolivian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1940

IGF Year Affiliation: 2002

Botswana Golf Union

Year Founded: 1976

Brazilian Golf Confederation

Year Founded: 1958

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

British Golf

Bulgarian Golf Association

Year Founded: 2000

IGF Year Affiliation: 2006

Cambodian Golf Federation

Caymans Island Golf Association

Chilean Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1932

China Golf Association

Chinese Taipei Golf Association

Year Founded: 1977

Colombian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1946

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Cook Islands Golf Association

Costa Rican Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2012

IGF Year Affiliation: 2013

Côte d'Ivoire Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1978

Croatian Golf Association

Year Founded: 2008

IGF Year Affiliation: 2014

Cyprus Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2000

IGF Year Affiliation: 2000

Czech Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1931

IGF Year Affiliation: 1969

Danish Golf Union

Democratic Republic of Congo Golf Federation

IGF Year Affiliation: 2008

Dominican Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1969

IGF Year Affiliation: 1992

Ecuador Golf Federation

Egyptian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1953

El Salvador Golf Federation

Emirates Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1995

IGF Year Affiliation: 2000

England Golf

Year Founded: 1924

Estonian Golf Association

Year Founded: 1992

Eswatini Golf Union

Fédération Mauritanienne de Golf

Year Founded: 2022

IGF Year Affiliation: 2022

Finnish Golf Union

French Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1957

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Gabon Golf Union

Year Founded: 2003

IGF Year Affiliation: 2003

Gambia Golf Association

Year Founded: 2009

IGF Year Affiliation: 2011

German Golf Association

Year Founded: 1907

Ghana Golf Association

Year Founded: 1970

IGF Year Affiliation: 2010

Golf Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Year Founded: 2004

IGF Year Affiliation: 2005

Golf Association of Hong Kong, China

Year Founded: 1968

Golf Association of Moldova

Year Founded: 1995

IGF Year Affiliation: 2002

Golf Association of Serbia

Year Founded: 2006

IGF Year Affiliation: 2010

Golf Association of Slovenia

Year Founded: 1982

Golf Australia

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Golf Canada

Golf Federation in Kyrgyzstan

Year Founded: 2010

IGF Year Affiliation: 2011

Golf Federation of Haiti

Year Founded: 1938

IGF Year Affiliation: 2014

Golf Fiji

Year Founded: 1955

Golf Ireland

IGF Year Affiliation: 2021

Golf New Zealand

Golf RSA

Year Founded: 1910

IGF Year Affiliation: 2021

Golf Union of Iceland

Year Founded: 1942

Golf Union of Malawi

Year Founded: 1960

IGF Year Affiliation: 2006

Guam National Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1992

Guatemala Golf Association

Year Founded: 1964

Hellenic Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1981

Honduras Golf Association

Year Founded: 1977

Hungarian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1989

IGF Year Affiliation: 2003

Indian Golf Union

Year Founded: 1955

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Indonesia Golf Association

Year Founded: 1996

Iraqi Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2016

IGF Year Affiliation: 2016

Islamic Republic of Iran Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1995

IGF Year Affiliation: 1996

Israel Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1984

Italian Golf Federation

Jamaica Golf Association

Year Founded: 1925

Japan Golf Association

Year Founded: 1924

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Jordan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2014

IGF Year Affiliation: 2016

Kazakhstan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2014

IGF Year Affiliation: 2016

Kenya Golf Union

Year Founded: 1928

IGF Year Affiliation: 1997

Korea Golf Association

Kuwait Golf Association

Year Founded: 2008

IGF Year Affiliation: 2013

Latvian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1989

IGF Year Affiliation: 1991

Lebanese Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1992

Libyan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1967

Liechtenstein Golf Association

Year Founded: 1966

IGF Year Affiliation: 2015

Lithuanian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2000

IGF Year Affiliation: 2000

Luxembourg Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1991

IGF Year Affiliation: 1991

Macedonian Golf Federation

Madagascar Golf Federation

Malaysian Golf Association

Year Founded: 1929

Malta Golf Association

Year Founded: 2006

IGF Year Affiliation: 2006

Mauritius Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1994

Mexican Golf Federation

Mongolian Golf Association

Myanmar Golf Federation

Namibia Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1989

IGF Year Affiliation: 1989

National Golf Association of Armenia

Year Founded: 2013

IGF Year Affiliation: 2015

National Golf Association of the Philippines

Year Founded: 1961

Nepal Golf Association

Year Founded: 1983

IGF Year Affiliation: 2024

Netherlands Golf Federation

Nicaraguan Golf Association

Nigeria Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1985

Norwegian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1948

Oman Golf Association

Year Founded: 2009

IGF Year Affiliation: 2010

Pakistan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1960

IGF Year Affiliation: 1961

Panama Golf Association

Year Founded: 1972

Papua New Guinea Golf Association

Year Founded: 1963

Paraguay Golf Association

Year Founded: 1979

Peruvian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1953

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Polish Golf Union

Year Founded: 1993

Portuguese Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1949

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Principality of Monaco Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2013

IGF Year Affiliation: 2016

Puerto Rico Golf Association

Qatar Golf Association

Year Founded: 1991

IGF Year Affiliation: 1991

Romanian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2004

Royal Belgian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1912

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Royal Moroccan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1960

Royal Spanish Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1932

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Russian Golf Association

Year Founded: 1992

Samoa Golf Incorporated

Year Founded: 2007

IGF Year Affiliation: 2008

San Marino Golf Federation

Saudi Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1999

Scottish Golf Limited

Year Founded: 2015

IGF Year Affiliation: 2015

Senegal Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1991

IGF Year Affiliation: 2015

Seychelles Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2017

IGF Year Affiliation: 2017

Singapore Golf Association

Year Founded: 2006

IGF Year Affiliation: 2002

Slovak Golf Association

Year Founded: 1991

IGF Year Affiliation: 1997

Solomon Islands Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2011

IGF Year Affiliation: 2014

Sri Lanka Golf Union

Year Founded: 1946

IGF Year Affiliation: 2012

St Lucia Golf Association

IGF Year Affiliation: 2013

Swedish Golf Federation

Swiss Golf

Tanzania Golf Union

Year Founded: 1950

IGF Year Affiliation: 2008

Thailand Golf Association

Year Founded: 1956

The R&A

Trinidad and Tobago Golf Association

Year Founded: 1957

Tunisia Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1992

IGF Year Affiliation: 2007

Turkish Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1996

Turkmenistan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2020

IGF Year Affiliation: 2021

Turks and Caicos Islands Golf Association

Year Founded: 1990

Uganda Golf Union

Ukrainian Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1997

IGF Year Affiliation: 2011

United States Golf Association

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958

Uruguay Golf Association

Year Founded: 1950

IGF Year Affiliation: 1958


Uzbekistan Golf Federation

Year Founded: 2015

IGF Year Affiliation: 2015

Vanuatu Golf Association

Year Founded: 1996

Venezuelan Golf Federation

Vietnam Golf Association

Year Founded: 2007

Virgin Islands Golf Federation

Year Founded: 1994

IGF Year Affiliation: 1996

Wales Golf

Zambia Golf Union

Zimbabwe Golf Association